Landserv provided advice to council on the risk to human health and the environment from potential contamination associated with possible residential septic system discharge in a coastal setting.
Local residents reported a noticeable sewage odour in their localised area and given the reliance on individual septic systems in the area, Landserv was engaged by the City of Greater Geelong to undertake an environmental monitoring program to help council understand if septic discharge was influencing localised groundwater conditions.
In order to design an investigation methodology and monitoring program, Landserv needed to understand the historical uses of the location/s and develop a preliminary conceptual site model. The resulting groundwater monitoring program involved three groundwater monitoring events at 6 wells over a 12-month period to ascertain groundwater conditions at varying periods of inferred septic system usage.
The results and trends analysis of indicator objectives were used to provide an assessment of whether the groundwater was impacted by septic influence and to provide advice to council of any risks posed to human health or the environment. Landserv made a number of recommendations to council to assist them to further determine the source of the odour.
- Designed a cost effective scope designed to meet our client’s objectives
- Offered practical recommendations for further testing to conclusively understand the source of the odour