When might you need Specialist Advice or Expert Witness services?
Site owners (or persons in management or control of land) may need to conduct environmental site assessments to understand and minimise their sites’ contamination risks, in line with regulatory requirements. Similar assessments are also conducted as due diligence before any site or land disposal, acquisition or lease.
While conducting these environmental site assessments or during any property transactions, site owners (or responsible persons) may need specialist support if they come across complex site issues, interpretation of extensive and/or complicated data sets and navigating legislative and regulatory settings.
How can Landserv help?
The Landserv team has detailed knowledge of government regulations both locally and across international markets. We can assist with your complex site issues and provide strategic advice and support throughout your project life cycle, and if neccssary support our client’s through legal disputes by providing expert witness services.
Landserv works closely with other industry experts such as EPA accredited contaminated site auditors and EPA accredited industrial facility auditors and, where needed, can bring together a multidisciplinary team to provide a full suite of advice which is in accordance with industry best practice.
Landserv’s team of experts work closely with our clients to identify, understand and meet critical objectives, ensuring regulatory and environmental requirements are addressed while providing the most economical, sustainable and efficient solutions possible.
Featured Project
A comprehensive review of contaminated land investigation data to develop a Site Remediation Strategy and contribute to urban planning. The Department of Defence commenced an open market disposal process to sell the Defence Site Maribyrnong (DSM) on behalf of the Commonwealth. DSM is a 127.8 hectare site fronting the Maribyrnong River, located within 8km of [...]
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