When are investigations required?
Contamination is most often the result of historic human activity on or adjacent to the land, often before enforced environmental regulations. While high-risk activities were primarily unregulated in the past, these days operating premises (such as chemical storage and industrial facilities) are required to hold permits and/or carry out extensive monitoring for potential contamination.
In Victoria, to fulfil their General Environmental Duty (GED) under the Environment Protection Act 2017, site owners must understand and minimise their industrial sites’ risks of harm to human health and the environment from the sites’ activities.
Our clients often require us to assess their land for statutory environmental audit purposes, as part of due diligence processes for land sale or in response to EPA issued Notices.
How can Landserv help?
Landserv’s expert scientists, engineers and hydrogeologists may initially conduct desktop research to determine the site’s environmental setting, historical uses and/or future proposed site uses. Based on the outcomes of the research, a tailored assessment and testing program would determine the extent and type of contamination. This tailored program may include collecting and analysing soil, groundwater, or soil vapour (air) media, interpreting field and laboratory results before preparing a detailed report. Recommendations are provided for either risk assessment and/or remediation options for the parcel of land (if warranted).
Our team has detailed knowledge of government regulations both locally and across international markets. We have successfully conducted multiple contaminated land assessments that include:
- Preliminary site investigation (PSI) and detailed site investigation (DSI)
- Due diligence assessment for property transactions
- Due diligence assessment to identify or refute potential contamination risks
- Environmental assessment for all contaminant types and media (soil, asbestos in soil, soil vapour, sediment, surface water and groundwater)

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Complex and multidisciplinary environmental site assessment to facilitate the development of a large residential estate. The Point by Moremac Property Group is Winner of the Urban Development Institute of Australia (UDIA) 2020 Environmental Excellence Award. To facilitate this large residential estate development, Landserv conducted a complex and multidisciplinary environmental site assessment. The assessment involved a [...]
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