Complex and multidisciplinary environmental site assessment to facilitate the development of a large residential estate.

The Point by Moremac Property Group is Winner of the Urban Development Institute of Australia (UDIA) 2020 Environmental Excellence Award.

To facilitate this large residential estate development, Landserv conducted a complex and multidisciplinary environmental site assessment. The assessment involved a historical review of former land use activities to identify potential contamination sources. Based on these findings, a large-scale soil, sediment and groundwater sampling program was undertaken to assess the site’s suitability for the proposed sensitive land use.

The proposed development included extensive earthworks to excavate waterways and fill existing water bodies. Further to the contamination component a comprehensive investigation of potential acid sulphate soils across the site was carried out including development of a site-specific environmental management plan.


  • Reduced development costs through management solutions
  • Comprehensive environmental documentation and reporting
  • Expert advice and support on-hand throughout the project
  • Environmental compliance and quality objectives achieved